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James Perley is an electronic composer and media artist from the Bay Area. He studied audio acoustic science at Columbia College, received his MFA from San Francisco Art Institute in design and technology and continued his graduate work in electronic music recording media at Mills College. He has studied and collaborated with various artists and composers including Pauline Oliveros, Roscoe Mitchell, John Bischoff, and Maggi Payne. James has also scored independent films with George Kuchar and Brazilian feminist director Eliane Lima (Esquizo Filmia). His music is described to be "cinematic, evocative, violent and tranquil." Currently James is working on his first solo electronic music project titled CITY HAS NO STARS while also applying for various residencies to advance research on music for the hearing impaired combining both compositional practices in tandem with audience interaction. Additionally James’ fine art works underline and address social commentaries of lost identities in queer cultures by focusing on topics of erased histories. James also works professionally in post production with video, audio, animation, and web design.
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